Terms & Conditions and other Policies
Here you will find our website policies. Please scroll down for complete information.
HSC Fulfillment Policy
After successfully enrolling your student, a confirmation and welcome email will be sent to the address given via the website system. This reserves their spot in the Hedge School Coop. If the spots are all taken, then your student will be placed on a waiting list in the order in which their application was submitted.
Each student is required to check in with class teacher upon arriving for their course and check out when leaving class. If your student is withdrawn during the school year, please refer to the HSC cancellation and refund policy.
HSC Cancellation, Changes, and Refund Policy
All in-person classes are subject to transition to virtual learning, pending recommendations from local and state health officials.
Classes may be cancelled or moved online due to events beyond the Hedge School's control, such as, extreme weather events. Parents and students will be notified via email, social media, and the members forum at the earliest possible time.
In the case of a student being withdrawn, parents will be entitled to a full refund of the monthly tuition if the student is withdrawn before the 15th of the month. If the fees are paid per year or semester, parent will be given a refund on every month in which the student is not enrolled between the 1st and 15th of said month.