What is the Hedge School Cooperative?
We are an inclusive, secular, cooperative school for homeschoolers. We offer two - four days of in-person instruction for 8th - 12th grade students; we create and maintain transcripts and schedules of each student, including their online work at home, and check in regularly with families to track and encourage our students’ progress. We also encourage parents who have the time and know-how to contribute throughout the school year.
Are you part of a religious group?
No. Although many homeschool groups are religion-based, we maintain a secular (non-religious) mission and vision. Though we may study world religions and theological issues, this is part of a rich, academic curriculum.
Are you LGBTQIA+ friendly?
Absolutely! We believe in every person’s right to be who they are and not hide their light. We will honor each student’s pronouns, attire, hair color, and, above all, name. Any hateful language or practice is just about all we do not welcome. At the Hedge School Cooperative, there is no "us vs. them." Welcome!
If I can't afford the fees, should I just look elsewhere?
Absolutely Not! We believe in inclusivity. Talk to Dr. Flynn if you are interested in enrollment. We believe in the “Cooperative” aspect of our name. Perhaps you can afford a smaller fee and/or have valuable skills, knowledge, or trade that could be helpful to our community.
​Do you have a school profile that can be shared with universities?
You bet we do! You can view our school profile here.
Do you have other questions?
Feel free to contact us!